“Around the year 2000, fine art dealer Paul Bingham became acquainted with Case. Bingham, a dealer from San Jose who had purchased the estate of Maynard Dixon, developed a friendship and partnership with Case and became his exclusive representation. This launched Case’s exposure to the national level, and he began getting attention from collectors and dealers, including a very influential contact gallery owner Jeff Mitchell in Scottsdale, Arizona. With Mitchell’s help, Case gained even more exposure, attracting the notice of other galleries, including the Gerald Peters Gallery and Overland Gallery.”
IQarus flies too close to the sun
“If IQ is Gaussian by construction and if real world performance were, net, fat tailed (it is), then either the covariance between IQ and performance doesn’t exist or it is uninformational. It will show a finite number in sample but doesn’t exist statistically.”
How many are riding Birds in Tel Aviv?
“The data is somewhat noisy. Inconsistent GPS signals and maintenance operations might look like bird movement. By making a few assumptions about the minimal ride length, I was able to clean it and recreate the movement of each bird across the city.”
Puzzling strategies for puzzlers over the holidays
“At each stage (particularly the last) it is important to make full use of all the clues available in order to ensure that the fit is correct : check the exact match of colour and patterns and also the ease with which the tiles fit together. A fit which is too tight or too loose, or leaves an uneven gap around a tile, is almost certainly wrong.”