“There’s real … hypocrisy in many of these so-called conservative legislators trying to rip away local control when they preached for years that a government that’s closest to you…is most responsive to you,” said Dawn Penich-Thacker, who campaigned to overturn Arizona’s school-voucher expansion with a public vote.
data.table and dplyr, a translation
“This article presented the most important features of both data.table
and dplyr
, two packages that are now essential tools for data manipulation in R
. There are still a lot of features not covered in this document, in particular, data.table
functions to deal with time-series or dplyr
vectorized functions have not been discussed, but ‘done is better than perfect’… Hopefully, this comparison is not too biased, but I must admit that my preference is for data.table
. So, I hope this post will encourage some readers to give it a try!”
“The behemoth, twin-fuselage Stratolaunch jet lifted off from Mojave Air and Space Port shortly before 7 a.m. Saturday and climbed into the desert sky 70 miles (112 kilometers) north of Los Angeles. The jet flew 2 ½ hours, achieving a maximum speed of 189 mph (304 kph) and altitudes up to 17,000 feet (5,181 meters), the company said.”
“In this work, we do not provide an answer to these questions but we show that AI systems based on ML algorithms such as reCAPTCHA v3 are still vulnerable to automated attacks. Google’s reCAPTCHA system, for detecting bots from humans, is the most used defense mechanism. Its purpose is to protect against automated agents and bots, attacks and spams. Previous versions of Google’s reCAPTCHA (v1 andv2) present tasks (images, letters, audio) easily solved by humans but challenging for computers.”
S-1 on my chest, the case of Lyft and Uber
“Despite the fact that Uber is rapidly expanding overseas into markets that face significant price constraints than in the US, it continues to generate significantly better user economics and driver economics (if Q4 2018 is any indication) than Lyft…Lyft will need to find more cost-effective ways of growing its business and servicing its existing users & drivers if it wishes to achieve long-term sustainability as its current spend is hard to justify relative to its user growth.”